<img style="width: 90px; height: 100px;" src="http://www.rmn.ph/media/images/hdradio.png" alt="i fm" border="0" />
<a name='more'></a>iFM is the first and only radio station in the Philippines that broadcasts in HD. HD Radio or High Definition Radio is now the latest radio broadcast technology in US. In time, HD Radio will replace analog radio broadcast, which really sounds really like HDTVs replacing big bulky tube TVs. HD Radio is digital which means it can transmit data like the song title or weather report which will appear on the ticker of an HD Radio set. Another remarkable thing about HD Radio is you can listen to a variety of music channels from just one radio station frequency.
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Programs and Segments
* Palusot(Every Hour)
* Sigarilyas at Mani (Monday to Saturday 8pm - 11 pm)
* Kamote Club (Monday to Saturday 5 - 9 am)
* Sunday Rewind (Sundays 4am - 4pm)(4am - 8am 70s, Oldies and Jukebox)(8am -12nn 80s hits) (12nn - 4pm 90s hits)
* Pakito Jokes(Every Hour)
* Horoscope ni Tomas(Every Hour)
* Sigurado Ako Sa Lyrics ko (Every Hour)
* Jumbo Joe and Choops Show - Showbiz Chismis, Horoskupo!, Blind Items ( Monday to Saturday 9am -12 noon)
* The i10 (Saturdays 12pm - 1pm, hosted by Yumi, with Bojo B. and Kuholito)
* Emotions On I (Monday to Saturday 1pm - 3pm)
Disk Jockeys
* Rob the Lover Boy(3pm -7pm Except Wendesdays and 8am -12nn for Sunday Rewind)
* Jay Towers
* Jumbo Joe(with Choops Monday to Saturday from 9am - 12nn)
* Choops
* Macho Palito(Sunday Rewind 12nn - 4pm and Sundays 8pm - 11pm)
* Pakito Jones (Kamote Club with Sexy Sabel 5am - 9am Monday to Saturday)
* Yumi(Sigarilyas At Mani 7pm - 11pm Monday to Saturday and The i10 Saturdays 12nn - 1pm)
* Bernie
* Anton de Gracia
* Sabel</p>
Saturday, March 5, 2011
93.9 iFM Siguradong enjoy ka!
5:53 AM
About me
NCP Samples
- Activity Intolerance
- Acute Pain
- All types of Incontinence
- Anticipatory Grieving
- Anxiety
- Caregiver Role Strain
- Chronic Confusion
- Chronic Pain
- Constipation
- Decreased Cardiac Output
- Deficient Fluid Volume
- Diarrhea
- Disturbed Body Image
- Disturbed Sensory Perception: Auditory
- Disturbed Sensory Perception: Visual
- Disturbed Sleep Pattern
- Disturbed Thought Process: Altered Mood States
- Disturbed Thought Process: Altered Perception
- Disturbed Thought Process: Altered Sleep
- Disturbed Thought Process: Behavoral Pattern
- Disturbed Thought Process: Disorientetaion
- Excess Fluid Volume
- Fatigue
- Functional Incontinence
- Health Seeking Behaviour
- Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than
- Imbalanced Nutrition: More than
- Impaired ability to Perform AOL
- Impaired Gas Exchange
- Impaired Home Maintenance
- Impaired Physical Mobility
- Impaired Verbal Communication
- Ineefective Health Maintenance
- Ineffective Airway Clearance
- Ineffective Breathing Pattern
- Ineffective Coping
- Ineffective Tissue Perfusion
- Interrupted Family Processes
- Knowledge Deficit
- Non Compliance
- Powerlessness
- Refelx Incontinence
- Risk for Aspiration
- Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity
- Risk for Infection
- Self Care Deficit
- Spiritual Distress
- Stress Incontinence
- Total Incontinence
- Urge Incontenence
- Urinary Retention
Free EBooks
- ABC of Pallative Care
- ABC of Resuscitation
- Advanced Medicine Recall
- Communication in Cancer Care
- Community Health Nursing
- Current Essential Orthopediac
- Deja Review Obstetrics & Gynecology
- DSE of Uri System
- F.A Davis Company RNotes 2nd Edition
- First Aid Emergency Medicine
- Fluids and Electrolytes Demystified
- Fluids, Electrolytes and Acid-Base Dynamics
- Hurst Pathophysiology Review
- Infectious Diseases - A Color Guide
- Instant Diagnosis and Treatment
- Leadership and Management
- Maternity Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Musculoskeletal Handout
- Nutrition Handbook
- Pharma
- Pharma AntiMicrob Crads
- Pharmacology Antimicrobials - Flash Cards
- Pharmacology Antimicrobials - Terms List
- Pharmacology BRS - Flash Cards
- Pharmacology BRS - Terms List
- Pharmacology Drugs - Flash Cards
- Pharmacology Drugs - Terms List
- Pharmacology Drugs 2 - Flash Cards
- Pharmacology Drugs 2 - Terms List
- Pocket Guide to Operating Room
- Professional Guide to Signs and Symptoms
- Reproductive Male Female Notes
- Respiratory Notes Respiratory Therapists
- The Eye - Anatomy part 1
- The Eye - Anatomy part 2
- Vitamins and Minerals Demystified
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